Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 - The Year for Me!

I'm not really one for resolutions or if I do decide to make one, to actually stick to it. However this year I have decided its my year. My year to find me. I have been so lost in all the crapiness and long hours working and well life generally as a mother. This year I plan to sew. Yep, that's right sew. I have always loved sewing and have decided that's what I want to do for pleasure. I have already pulled the machine out of the cupboard cleared a permanent spot for it in the study and started to sew.

So far I have made this:
I even created the pattern myself for this one. :)

and this:
I am absolutely in love with this.

I'm very excited about this journey!

The other thing I'm doing for myself is try to slowly lose the extra weight. I Don't want to go hardcore on it or "diet" because I know I am likely to fall off the wagon. I just want to be aware of my weight and its fluctuations and try to keep it generally heading down to a weight I'm happy with. Before I fell pregnant for the second time I was at my heaviest ever (asides from actually being pregnant). 15months (6 months post birth) I am now 10kgs lighter and at the weight I was on my wedding day. The same weight I was when I fell pregnant the first time - on the honeymoon. While that's a fantastic feeling I still have more to go and a lot of work too to reclaim my body and try to return it to some sort of pre-pregnancy form, at the moment "things just aren't the same"!

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