Thursday, November 18, 2010

Inspiration Needed....

I have hit a wall and have lost all creativity with Riley's food. Each week I think to myself I need to get him some more food, more variety, but every time I'm doing the groceries I don't buy much different. In fact, I think I am buying less and hes actually eating more.

I have lost count the number of times he has had baked beans this month. I know I tell myself at least it counts as a vegetable but once he has had it for dinner 2+ nights in a row I think its time to rethink that. Oh and for the record hes having it again tonight. . . I might mix in some left over fried rice tonight, which he actually had last night for a change, shock horror!

I know I need to make him some more food to store in my freezer stock pile, but laziness has come to visit and each time I pull some mince out I don't get around to use it for him and instead cook it up for dinner, because ironically enough I have forgotten to get something out for dinner.

Don't even get me started on the number of mini muffins he has had this week too. In my defence I did make them and I have a heap out of the freezer that NEED eating, and a heap in the freezer waiting. But I guess when your other "fillers" are rice cakes and corn crispibreads its nice to get something that actually has a nice taste.

Things aren't all bad though in our joint. He still eats a lot of fruit. I have even had to start getting the tins out of the cupboard because I'm running out of fresh each week. This week hes decided he doesn't like the grapes I bought him and all the bananas are gone. Blueberries were expensive so I bought some frozen that haven't left the freezer yet (Freezer at work doesn't actually keep things frozen, so I keep leaving them home). I got sick of buying avocados because I went through a stage of getting all crap ones. He ate all the paw paw Grandma had brought over for him, but none of the cherry tomatoes because I don't know what to do with them and feel funny about giving them to him whole (Tomato hater here! - me).

On a plus, for breakfast each morning hes also been having cereal . . . Honey O's or Coco Bombs! Not the healthiest but again at least its something different, or so I keep telling myself. He is still having the token prune which he eagerly eats 1st, although he doesn't have to because its just in the bowl with his cereal and sultanas (which he has decided he doesn't want to eat either this week). So I guess things aren't all bad but when you get to the end of the week and feeding your child sugary cereal, tinned fruit, mini muffin after mini muffin, plain rice cakes and crispibread (which I have now taken homemade jam (thanks again Grandma) up to the shop to put on them) followed buy a nice healthy bowl of baked beans things are starting to look a little dire. Ah some days I just wish to be able to give him a Vegemite sandwich, a chunk of cheese, an apple or - wait for it - some take away, anything where I don't have to think about whats in it 1st.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Do you know these people?

Do you know these people? or can you help find these people?
This picture is one of many found on a memory card in a hotel room and it has photos of the birth of their son on it. Precious memories that the finder would like to return to the owner. So they are using the power of facebook and 6 degrees of separation in hope of finding them.

Click here, take a look, join, and invite everyone!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mummy Not So Proud!

What better way to follow "Mummy Is So Proud" than with "Mummy Not So Proud!".

Really this post should of been writen on Tuesday afternoon but I had decided against it. Well I have had a repeat of Tuesday's efforts, so decided it now deservs a post.

Mummy is so cross with you right now! It has taken all my effort to not smack you and if I thought it would actually do any good (as in make you learn, not just for my own anger release) then I probably would of. Seriously, why must you put poo EVERYWHERE! Please mate, I don't want a repeat, again.
Mum. >:-|
Well as you can guess, he has decided its great fun to take his nappy off (during rest time) and smear it's contents everywhere. Tuesday's efforts were the worse. I had to close the shop up for 1 hour while I scrubbed his toys, plastic fort and trampoline. The trampoline was beyond a wipe down and I had to load it into my car to take it home and hose it. For the rest of the day all I could smell was poo, GROSS!

Today, it only took half an hour to clean up but instead it required stripping him down and giving him a bath in the kitchenette sink. Luckily I had some bubble bath (which we use in the summer, on a weekend  outside, in the empty carpark). I also had to use a cloth nappy to dry him off. ARGH, I really hope he doesn't do it again. I guess it serves me right for putting him in his room for quiet time when I know too darn well he wont sleep, its just so he doesn't bother me for awhile. . .