Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mummy Not So Proud!

What better way to follow "Mummy Is So Proud" than with "Mummy Not So Proud!".

Really this post should of been writen on Tuesday afternoon but I had decided against it. Well I have had a repeat of Tuesday's efforts, so decided it now deservs a post.

Mummy is so cross with you right now! It has taken all my effort to not smack you and if I thought it would actually do any good (as in make you learn, not just for my own anger release) then I probably would of. Seriously, why must you put poo EVERYWHERE! Please mate, I don't want a repeat, again.
Mum. >:-|
Well as you can guess, he has decided its great fun to take his nappy off (during rest time) and smear it's contents everywhere. Tuesday's efforts were the worse. I had to close the shop up for 1 hour while I scrubbed his toys, plastic fort and trampoline. The trampoline was beyond a wipe down and I had to load it into my car to take it home and hose it. For the rest of the day all I could smell was poo, GROSS!

Today, it only took half an hour to clean up but instead it required stripping him down and giving him a bath in the kitchenette sink. Luckily I had some bubble bath (which we use in the summer, on a weekend  outside, in the empty carpark). I also had to use a cloth nappy to dry him off. ARGH, I really hope he doesn't do it again. I guess it serves me right for putting him in his room for quiet time when I know too darn well he wont sleep, its just so he doesn't bother me for awhile. . .

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