Thursday, October 28, 2010


We have made the decision to withdraw Riley from daycare. It really was needed. We are happy that its the right decision for us, but gosh I'm nervous. The impact of pulling Ri out lies solely on me, ok well maybe not solely Because I will have my mums, mother-in-laws (aka MIL) and SILs help at different times, but it wont be like my 2 days a week of bliss that daycare was providing. In saying that though, by not having daycare I'm hoping we are able to get into a much better groove at the shop. I wont be having Daycare "interrupt" our week and routine.

So today is Riley's last day of daycare. That's it we are all done, but not without its own issues. Grrr that place is so annoying. Firstly, I got asked why I specifically said to Ri's group leader that I didn't want Ri to move up to the next room at all this week and if they were thinking about it to call me and I will get him picked up. I just answered because I didn't see the need of changing what he knows before he was to leave. Then the director tried to tell me I hadn't paid a deposit for the security chip to get into the centre, which I had and she was quite surprised to hear I had the deposit slip in the car for it. So glad I kept that for a year and a half. I think she might have thought I was bluffing, and asked if I could go get it, sucks be her when I have proof. On top of that for some stupid reason our CCB hadn't been estimated this week so she was having "trouble" working out how much we were to be refunded. She even tried to tell me we owed money, YEAH RIGHT!! wow trying to weasel out of paying much? Geez! Then she told me she has to ring the owner to get him to look at it. OMG! So although today was his last day and I was meant to be picking everything up and finalising it all this morning, I now have to go back in tomorrow morning on my way to work and just hope she has finally written the check that should have already been written. ARGH!

Sorry rant over :/


  1. Wow how rude of them! Good on you keeping the reciept, I was cheering that you could show it!

    Good luck with the next stage xo

  2. I know! I don't think she was expecting that at all.

    I went in this morning to pick up the cheque that she said would be ready yesterday afternoon. No surprise when I got there it still hadn't been written. Its done now though and we said our final goodbyes.
