Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ahhh what to do?

Why is it so hard to make a decision? Why must I procrastinate? Time to pull on my big girl panties and make a move.

So my delima is that Ri is due to be moving up rooms at daycare, and this week I witnessed some unsavoury behaviour from what will be his new group leader. It has shocked me, and upset me. This is following my recent feelings towards the centre director as being inadequate and untrustworthy, but thats a whole other story of a bitchy personal attack, lets just say shes not the kind of person you would like to have a confrontation with. Now I have to decide weather or not I should pull him out of daycare.

You would think the answer is quite obvious, and really it is. My heart is telling me to pull him out. He doesn't need to deal with that, but then the other side of me says "tough love could do him some good, and stop babying him". But is it really babying him if I felt sad and intimidate by what will be his new carer? I can only imagine how that would make a little person feel. Then I think about the logistics of him not being in care, am I really prepared to have him 5/6 days a week with me at the shop and no "break day" for me? Could I handle that? I know I have done it a couple of weeks in a row before, but I was always glad to off load him to daycare whe he was well enough again. I do also have his nanny (my MIL) available to take him every now and again to give me a break and give Ri a break from me, as well as some social interaction with his younger cousin and baby cousin. There wll also be grandma (my Mum) ever 2nd week, that will hopefully come up and take him for a walk and some fresh air. So really it hopefully wont be as bad as I think it could be.

Now all I have to do is tell the director and give our notice. . . really not looking forward to that!

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