Time has come for the much needed overhaul of Riley's playroom at the shop. Hes getting to that stage where I think he is over it. He is driving me bonkers at the desk touching and pulling EVERYTHING down. So now the cogs are turning...what can I do? I'll try to organise before and after pics soon.
Firstly I think I will keep his plastic fort with slide and tunnel.
I am going to move the TV out of his playroom and see how it goes in the main area.
I might try and set up his car track, but I might need to look at getting a big table for that to try to get him to leave it together.
Someone has suggested these mats you can get where they "colour" in using textas, but they actually aren't ink just water. No idea how it works or what its called but sounds interesting.
I might have a google for a playdough recipe I can make...and try to make it gluten free. It will be interesting to see how that goes. Hmmm I will also have to try and convince him he needs to stay on the tiles to play with it though. I wonder how that will go.
I'm thinking I might need to draw up some kind of play "routine", to try to keep his day interesting. Maybe I will have a talk to daycare and see how they structure their days.
Oh the joys. :D
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