Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 - The Year for Me!

I'm not really one for resolutions or if I do decide to make one, to actually stick to it. However this year I have decided its my year. My year to find me. I have been so lost in all the crapiness and long hours working and well life generally as a mother. This year I plan to sew. Yep, that's right sew. I have always loved sewing and have decided that's what I want to do for pleasure. I have already pulled the machine out of the cupboard cleared a permanent spot for it in the study and started to sew.

So far I have made this:
I even created the pattern myself for this one. :)

and this:
I am absolutely in love with this.

I'm very excited about this journey!

The other thing I'm doing for myself is try to slowly lose the extra weight. I Don't want to go hardcore on it or "diet" because I know I am likely to fall off the wagon. I just want to be aware of my weight and its fluctuations and try to keep it generally heading down to a weight I'm happy with. Before I fell pregnant for the second time I was at my heaviest ever (asides from actually being pregnant). 15months (6 months post birth) I am now 10kgs lighter and at the weight I was on my wedding day. The same weight I was when I fell pregnant the first time - on the honeymoon. While that's a fantastic feeling I still have more to go and a lot of work too to reclaim my body and try to return it to some sort of pre-pregnancy form, at the moment "things just aren't the same"!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hi there!

Well isn't this a neglected blog. Lets see how I go reviving it.

An Update on us not in order of event but as I thought of them...
  • We closed our shop down nearly a year ago.
  • Baby #2 has entered our life, a gorgeous little girl, Alison Hana. Born in July.
  • I'm settling into and enjoying my role as SAHM, but still looking for that little something extra.
  • Chris and I celebrated 12 years together the other week, 11 January.
  • Riley has started at a new daycare and is loving it.
  • Now that we have some down time we are starting to slowly do some much needed reno's on the house and yard. Starting with tree lopping and removal and a new fence, which can not come soon enough.
  • I'm organising my SIL's Baby shower and absolutely loving it.
  • We are expecting 2 babies in our extended family in the coming months. My brother's wife (aforementioned SIL) is expecting a little boy. Chris's brother's wife is expecting too. I know the gender but am not aloud to say on a public space because some of their family do not want to know. Either way, I'm excited to see Riley and Alison have more cousins around the same ages as them.
So thats all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there has been plenty more happen in the last 15 months, but that will have to do. Here's to trying to keep this updated. :)